GM/Frigidaire Scholarship Fund
The General Motors Frigidaire Employees’ Recreation Association (FERA), an independent Ohio nonprofit organization incorporated in 1928, established a scholarship fund to assist eligible General Motors/Delphi employees, retirees and their immediate families with expenses related to post-secondary education.
The scholarship is offered to current employees, retirees and to their respective spouses and dependent children of any General Motors, D-MAX, or Delphi division in Montgomery County, Ohio. One of the parents or a guardian must list the applicant as a dependent on his/her 1040 IRS tax form.
All applicants related to retired employees must submit the following: (1) Current GM, D-MAX, or Delphi Retirement Program Authorization of Monthly Benefits or other proof of retirement benefits.
As of 2010, the scholarship is offered to grandchildren of current employees and living retirees of any General Motors, D-MAX, or Delphi division in Montgomery County, Ohio.
What criteria are used for awarding the scholarship?
Because the GM/Frigidaire scholarship is competitive and, in part, based upon academic merit, the applicant must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0, based on a 4.0 scale. Each applicant also will be judged on his/her high school or post-high school activities, community activities, reasons for seeking a college education and explanation of current career objectives.The student must have passed all parts of the Ohio Graduation Test. The student must also be classified as full time for the next academic year and attend one of the eligible institutions. Furthermore, there shall be no discrimination on the basis of race, color, cultural heritage, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age or disability.